QuantitativeTypes extension


This document provides a preliminary description of a future version of DTDL.
Preview functionality is provided without a service level agreement, and is not recommended for production uses.
Any and all aspects of the language described herein are subject to change without notice until this version of DTDL becomes generally available.
There is no obligation of continued support for any feature, aspect, or syntactical construct that does not make the transition to general availability.
For more information, see Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

Version 1

Usable in DTDL version 3

The QuantitativeTypes extension provides a set of standard semantic types that can be applied to CommandRequests, CommandResponses, Fields, MapValues, Properties, and Telemetries.
If a service supports the QuantitativeTypes extension, and if the QuantitativeTypes context is specified, the service recognizes and understands the semantic types, unit types, and units itemized below, as well as the unit property on each of the semantic types.

QuantitativeTypes context

The context specifier for version 1 of the QuantitativeTypes extension is “dtmi:dtdl:extension:quantitativeTypes;1”.

Semantic types and units

The semantic types itemized below can co-type a CommandRequest, a CommandResponse, a Field, a MapValue, a Property, or a Telemetry in DTDL version 3.
When a CommandRequest, CommandResponse, Field, MapValue, Property, or Telemetry is co-typed with one of these semantic types, the value of the unit property must be an instance of the corresponding unit type, and the value of the schema property must be a numeric type.

Note that although most semantic types have matching unit types, there is not a strict one-to-one correspondence between semantic types and unit types.
For example, Humidity is expressed using DensityUnit, and Luminosity is expressed using PowerUnit.

The chart below itemizes semantic types, corresponding unit types, and available units for each unit type.

The TimeSpan semantic type should not be confused with the duration schema type.
The duration schema is in ISO 8601 format; it is intended for calendar durations; and it does not play well with SI units.
The semantic unit for TimeSpan is TimeUnit, which gives temporal semantics to a numeric schema type.

Semantic type Unit type Unit
Acceleration AccelerationUnit centimetrePerSecondSquared <br> gForce <br> metrePerSecondSquared
Angle AngleUnit degreeOfArc <br> minuteOfArc <br> radian <br> secondOfArc <br> turn
AngularAcceleration AngularAccelerationUnit radianPerSecondSquared
AngularVelocity AngularVelocityUnit degreePerSecond <br> radianPerSecond <br> revolutionPerMinute <br> revolutionPerSecond
ApparentEnergy ApparentEnergyUnit gigavoltAmpereHour <br> kilovoltAmpereHour <br> megavoltAmpereHour <br> voltAmpereHour
ApparentPower ApparentPowerUnit gigavoltAmpere <br> kilovoltAmpere <br> megavoltAmpere <br> millivoltAmpere <br> voltAmpere
Area AreaUnit acre <br> hectare <br> squareCentimetre <br> squareFoot <br> squareInch <br> squareKilometre <br> squareMetre <br> squareMillimetre
Capacitance CapacitanceUnit farad <br> microfarad <br> millifarad <br> nanofarad <br> picofarad
Concentration Unitless partsPerBillion <br> partsPerMillion <br> partsPerQuadrillion <br> partsPerTrillion <br> percent <br> unity
Current CurrentUnit ampere <br> kiloampere <br> microampere <br> milliampere
DataRate DataRateUnit bitPerSecond <br> bytePerSecond <br> exbibitPerSecond <br> exbibytePerSecond <br> gibibitPerSecond <br> gibibytePerSecond <br> kibibitPerSecond <br> kibibytePerSecond <br> mebibitPerSecond <br> mebibytePerSecond <br> tebibitPerSecond <br> tebibytePerSecond <br> yobibitPerSecond <br> yobibytePerSecond <br> zebibitPerSecond <br> zebibytePerSecond
DataSize DataSizeUnit bit <br> byte <br> exbibit <br> exbibyte <br> gibibit <br> gibibyte <br> kibibit <br> kibibyte <br> mebibit <br> mebibyte <br> tebibit <br> tebibyte <br> yobibit <br> yobibyte <br> zebibit <br> zebibyte
Density DensityUnit gramPerCubicMetre <br> kilogramPerCubicMetre <br> microgramPerCubicMetre <br> milligramPerCubicMetre
Distance LengthUnit astronomicalUnit <br> centimetre <br> foot <br> inch <br> kilometre <br> metre <br> micrometre <br> mile <br> millimetre <br> nanometre <br> nauticalMile
ElectricCharge ChargeUnit ampereHour <br> coulomb <br> milliampereHour
Energy EnergyUnit britishThermalUnit <br> electronvolt <br> gigajoule <br> gigawattHour <br> joule <br> kiloBritishThermalUnit <br> kilojoule <br> kilowattHour <br> megaelectronvolt <br> megajoule <br> megawattHour <br> milliwattHour <br> terawattHour <br> wattHour
EnergyRate EnergyRateUnit britishThermalUnitPerHour <br> gigajoulePerHour <br> joulePerHour <br> kiloBritishThermalUnitPerHour <br> kilojoulePerHour <br> kilowattHourPerYear <br> megajoulePerHour
Force ForceUnit newton <br> ounce <br> pound <br> ton
Frequency FrequencyUnit gigahertz <br> hertz <br> kilohertz <br> megahertz <br> millihertz
Humidity DensityUnit gramPerCubicMetre <br> kilogramPerCubicMetre <br> microgramPerCubicMetre <br> milligramPerCubicMetre
Illuminance IlluminanceUnit footcandle <br> lux
Inductance InductanceUnit henry <br> microhenry <br> millihenry
IonizingRadiationDose IonizingRadiationDoseUnit gray <br> microgray <br> microsievert <br> milligray <br> millisievert <br> sievert
Irradiance IrradianceUnit wattPerSquareMetre
Latitude AngleUnit degreeOfArc <br> minuteOfArc <br> radian <br> secondOfArc <br> turn
Length LengthUnit astronomicalUnit <br> centimetre <br> foot <br> inch <br> kilometre <br> metre <br> micrometre <br> mile <br> millimetre <br> nanometre <br> nauticalMile
Longitude AngleUnit degreeOfArc <br> minuteOfArc <br> radian <br> secondOfArc <br> turn
Luminance LuminanceUnit candelaPerSquareMetre
Luminosity PowerUnit gigawatt <br> horsepower <br> kilowatt <br> megawatt <br> microwatt <br> milliwatt <br> watt
LuminousFlux LuminousFluxUnit lumen
LuminousIntensity LuminousIntensityUnit candela
MagneticFlux MagneticFluxUnit maxwell <br> weber
MagneticInduction MagneticInductionUnit gauss <br> tesla
Mass MassUnit gram <br> kilogram <br> massPound <br> microgram <br> milligram <br> slug <br> tonne
MassFlowRate MassFlowRateUnit gramPerHour <br> gramPerSecond <br> kilogramPerHour <br> kilogramPerSecond <br> massPoundPerHour
Power PowerUnit gigawatt <br> horsepower <br> kilowatt <br> megawatt <br> microwatt <br> milliwatt <br> watt
Pressure PressureUnit bar <br> decapascal <br> hectopascal <br> inchesOfMercury <br> inchesOfWater <br> kilopascal <br> millibar <br> millimetresOfMercury <br> pascal <br> poundPerSquareInch
Radioactivity RadioactivityUnit becquerel <br> gigabecquerel <br> kilobecquerel <br> megabecquerel
ReactiveEnergy ReactiveEnergyUnit gigavoltAmpereReactiveHour <br> kilovoltAmpereReactiveHour <br> megavoltAmpereReactiveHour <br> voltAmpereReactiveHour
ReactivePower ReactivePowerUnit gigavoltAmpereReactive <br> kilovoltAmpereReactive <br> megavoltAmpereReactive <br> millivoltAmpereReactive <br> voltAmpereReactive
RelativeDensity Unitless partsPerBillion <br> partsPerMillion <br> partsPerQuadrillion <br> partsPerTrillion <br> percent <br> unity
RelativeHumidity Unitless partsPerBillion <br> partsPerMillion <br> partsPerQuadrillion <br> partsPerTrillion <br> percent <br> unity
Resistance ResistanceUnit kiloohm <br> megaohm <br> milliohm <br> ohm
SoundPressure SoundPressureUnit bel <br> decibel
Temperature TemperatureUnit degreeCelsius <br> degreeFahrenheit <br> kelvin
Thrust ForceUnit newton <br> ounce <br> pound <br> ton
TimeSpan TimeUnit day <br> hour <br> microsecond <br> millisecond <br> minute <br> nanosecond <br> second <br> year
Torque TorqueUnit newtonMetre
Velocity VelocityUnit centimetrePerSecond <br> kilometrePerHour <br> kilometrePerSecond <br> knot <br> metrePerHour <br> metrePerSecond <br> milePerHour <br> milePerSecond
Voltage VoltageUnit kilovolt <br> megavolt <br> microvolt <br> millivolt <br> volt
Volume VolumeUnit cubicCentimetre <br> cubicFoot <br> cubicInch <br> cubicMetre <br> fluidOunce <br> gallon <br> litre <br> millilitre
VolumeFlowRate VolumeFlowRateUnit cubicFootPerMinute <br> cubicMetrePerHour <br> cubicMetrePerMinute <br> cubicMetrePerSecond <br> gallonPerHour <br> gallonPerMinute <br> litrePerHour <br> litrePerSecond <br> millilitrePerHour <br> millilitrePerSecond

Semantic type and unit examples

The following example shows an Interface with four contents elements that are all of type Telemetry.

  • The element named “thermometer” has co-type Temperature and unit degreeCelsius.
  • The element named “barometer” has co-type Pressure and unit millibar.
  • The element named “humidityMeter” has co-type RelativeHumidity and unit percent.
  • The element named “anemometer” has co-type Velocity and unit metrePerSecond.

One Telemetry has a schema value of integer, and the other three have schema values of double, all of which are valid since both integer and double are numeric schemas.

    "@id": "dtmi:com:example:Sensor;1",
    "@type": "Interface",
    "contents": [
            "@type": [ "Telemetry", "Temperature" ],
            "name": "thermometer",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "degreeCelsius"
            "@type": [ "Telemetry", "Pressure" ],
            "name": "barometer",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "millibar"
            "@type": [ "Telemetry", "RelativeHumidity" ],
            "name": "humidityMeter",
            "schema": "integer",
            "unit": "percent"
            "@type": [ "Telemetry", "Velocity" ],
            "name": "anemometer",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "metrePerSecond"
    "@context": [

Feature versions

The chart below lists the versions of the QuantitativeTypes extension that are currently available.

Extension Context DTDL versions
QuantitativeTypes v1 dtmi:dtdl:extension:quantitativeTypes;1 3